Monday, October 5, 2009

Silent Horror Club Updates

The Silent Horror Club will hold its first official meeting at 6:30 Wed. night, October 7 in our classroom: Rm. #106. The movie screened will be the Conrad Veidt classic, "The Man Who Laughs".

I never got around to playing "Der Golem" today, and I apologize. It was really busy today. However, Wed. I will try again. That's two films back to back in one day! Can't beat it. Be sure and show support. You aren't required to, of course, but these bonus films are a great way for you to add to your growing body of knowledge on the subject.


  1. My friend Eddie Mendez showed me this link today:

    It has like 45 silent movies... pretty sweet.

  2. Does anyone know if/where I can find "The Man Who Laughs" online? My schedule is pretty tight so I won't be able to make many of the extra outside of class movies, but I still want to see them. :(

  3. You can borrow the film from me, no problem. Come to the shop, uppper bldg. I will bring it for you Monday!

  4. The film is also posted on youtube in 11 parts. You can watch it there, but for the real, full experience you should probably snag the disc from me.

    I'm sure the film may be netflix'd as well.

  5. Woooo thanks! (Any particular time frame?) Also I found Der Golem in the links to the right but the screen is tiny! I couldn't figure out if there was a way to make it bigger, or if that was my only option....sheesh!

  6. The art shop is open daily 8-5, M-F. You should be able to enlarge the youtube frame by clicking on the little screen icon at the bottom of the picture.

  7. I know youtube has that little screen, but the Der Golem wasn't on youtube, it was on that Silent Movie Multiplex link. It just opened up to a blank page with the video, but it was way small.... oh well. I'll stop by Monday thanks!

  8. Oh, okay! Sorry. Gotcha. Yea, come by the shop and I'll have "The Man Who Laughs" for you.

  9. watched it! i thought it was more of a love story than a horror story.... although he did look really creepy. And you can most definately see the joker. also, something i noticed was that gwyndplaine's wagon thingie looks very very similar to stromboli's carriage in pinnochio....

    kinda random i know. also when they roll into town for the fair, it reminds me of the scene from lord of the rings when gandalf rides into town and everyone comes out to greet him.

  10. Cool! Glad you enjoyed it! Indeed, it is a love story....most of these early films are. Just like the "Phantom..." we'll be watching today.

  11. Sads. won't be able to make whatever is showing this Wednesday. Work be damned, I should just quit.

  12. Personally, I like this photo better as a shirt screen, but I'm not opposed to the other one we have planned either.

    This one is just so damn creepy.
