Friday, September 11, 2009


Chelsea and Augustina want to talk about forming the class movie club. You may wish to work on that here through "comments". I will monitor and assist if you have questions for me.


  1. we should make shirts!

  2. The picture of Cesare is from a template I designed for cutting with my 1" button maker. I was going to surprise you guys with it, but anyhow maybe you should be the ones that design it instead. You could probably do a better one than me, but either way, I can cover you on buttons for the club if you are interested. They're the cool ones too: 1" small, punk-rock style...not the great big grandma looking "badge" looking sized.

  3. I'm down for helping out however I can, I'm totally stoked about monster club!

  4. Monster Club! We should plan some kind of Halloween event other than the Art Center event.

  5. I know time-wise (baby wise) all I can manage is the movie downtown, but you guys can probably do something else no problem.

  6. woooooo! ^_^ yay!

    i know yall have probably said this but when and where do yall meeeeeet?

  7. As far as I know the two people that have wanted to run with this from the beginning have yet to chime in, so I don't think anything has been worked out yet. Just a lot of stuff flying around about "we should do it".

  8. Chelsea said she was going to get all the paper work on monday but.. stuff happened. We are going to work on all that stuff together...

    We actually asked Ron to start the threat so we could all discuss when we should meet.

  9. Hey Ron, I don't know where else to ask this question, but have you ever seen a movie called Cat People? It's from 1982.

  10. I have indeed seen "Cat People". The '82 version is a re-make of the 1942 film by the famous monster movie producer Val Newton. The '42 version has some of that cinema "carry over" in style that's rooted in the silent film tradition (dark, film noir-ish lighting, Expressionistic lighting and set design, etc.).

  11. I should have pointed out: I have seen the 1982 version as well. I think I may actually own the '42 version. I think it's on a double-disc I have of Val Newton material (Newton was responsible for other 1940s classics, such as "I Walked With A Zombie" and "The Body Snatcher").

  12. Well to get things about the club kind of started, it would be awesome if people who are interested could let me know what day of the week they are available for meeting. Basically we are going to watch movies and talk about them and just enjoy the extra time. We will probably have dues but it will only be like a few bucks because I know most of us are broke but the money will go to buying movies for the club as well as a donation to the organization that Ron was talking about on the first day that restores and preserves old film. If anyone has any suggestions on anything really let me or Augustina know.

  13. Sounds great Chelsea! Hope you guys can get something going. I'll help in any way possible, of course.

  14. So got the paperwork, officers are being appointed on a volunteer basis b/c turns out we are slightly late as far as getting things organized but not a huge problem we just need to get things rolling. I'm hoping we can get things sorted out so we can perhaps have the first meeting sometime next week (crosses fingers) at the earliest of course. so anything you guys wanna watch that we can quickly get a hold of?

  15. I can make my collection available for you guys. I have quite a stack of things we won't get to in class. The incredibly beautiful and nightmarish, "Witchcraft Through the Ages" would be a good candidate.

  16. Just a little update:

    We got all the paperwork and constitution stuff done! WOOT!
    We have a tentative schedule sort of... but we want to figure things out before telling everyone. We'll probably anounce the time and where we are meeting during class this friday!

    I also set up a Facebook group, is pretty rough right now but in the mean time everyone should join it! Just look for "497 Monster Club"

    - El Presidente!

  17. Nice work, kids! I'll be there in support of whatever you all need. Just let me know to what capacity you may need me. I'm proud of you all for taking an interest in something as important as silent films...Lon Chaney would be proud!;)

  18. So, we're thinking "The Man Who Laughs" for the first club showing, correct? We actually can do this in 106...our regular classroom. I didn't think we'd be able to, but I've asked and I think we can squeeze in there no problem.

  19. That's great! I have a feeling more people are going to come if we have the meetings on campus and especially in the art building. And yes, we're thinking of showing "The Man Who Laughs."

    I'm really exited about all this! Woo!

  20. I'm very happy that all of you are taking the initiative to see even more of these films than I can offer you in class.
