Friday, September 25, 2009

New Weimar Cinema Book!

Jill Carrington has turned up quite an interesting book that fits in perfectly with what we've been discussing. She sent me this link to it. I'll see if I can secure a copy of it at our library. Can you identify the scene from the cover?


  1. I actually was really weirded out by that scene, all the gravemarkers by the ocean made me think of the tide coming in and pulling up bodies and there she is just hangin out with them.

  2. Nosferatu!
    Yeah I wondered why all these people were being buried at the beach. At the time I though maybe they were just markers for sailors maybe. But now I wonder if it's just some symbolism of Nosferatu bringing death via the ocean.
    Her character was really emo too....

  3. Your observations on the markers being a pre-cursor to the death Count Orlock would bring is dead on the money. The "emo"thing: I'll have to take your word for it...I have yet to figure out what that means! Ha.

  4. heehee dead on the money. ^_^ i love puns!

    I just meant she was very emotional about things. I know these actors were over dramatic, but her character seemed almost bi-polar. For example the scene where her boyfriend brings her flowers. She is all happy to see him until he shows her the flowers, and then she becomes sad and asks, "Why did you kill the pretty flowers?". A normal person would have just said thank you or something like that.... I don't know if her character was written that way, or that was the over dramatic acting...but yeah emo.

    Also she didn't fit the other leading ladies from the other films. She dressed in dark clothing and had dark features while the girls in the other movies had light features and upbeat personalities. (With huuuuuge anime eyes! lol)
